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Mission Statement
First and foremost, we are a faith community. We believe in a loving God, the creator of all things seen and unseen, who wants to be intimately and intricately involved in our lives. We believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God and resurrected Messiah, who wants us to connect to each other and God. Through Jesus our relationship with God is restored. We believe in the Holy Spirit, who brings wildness and connection to creation, insights comforting and caring for each other, and inviting us into deep spiritual waters.
The cornerstone of this worship and journeying is our communal worship services. We are forgiven, we are freed to worship together through prayer, praise and song. We seek to disciple and guide each other on our individual spiritual journeys, and we welcome all questions and discussions, from both those at the beginning of their faith journey and those who are mature Christians. We invite God into our thinking, understanding and hearts. It is important to reflect on God’s input into our births, lives, and deaths, and into our meaning and purpose. We are a family of faith. We encourage; children to play, for us all to eat and laugh together, for us to go out into the community to serve others and to be examples of the Gospel in the world. A locus with something for everyone.
Regardless of an individual’s beliefs or faith commitments, the Anglican Church has a responsibility for the pastoral and spiritual care of everyone living in our country. Because of this duty, we aim to be active members of wider communities and neighbourhoods, reaching out and helping those around us. One of the pillars of our faith is all humans are worthy of respect and honour. We believe we are all made in the image of God, and so are free to love, create, and think, but also to make mistakes, fall down, fall short; free to seek forgiveness and redemption. We are all wonderfully human. We are an inclusive Church who believe a person of any sexuality is welcome in God’s kingdom, and everyone is welcome to loving, safe and healthy relationships with others if they choose. We seek to bring God’s love, peace and justice to all; and so seek to be truly inclusive of anyone; we will not judge or shun.

Being a geographical parish, we care for all souls in our area; hence our name! We honour this duty and joy by offering more than worship and spiritual nurturing. We run exercise classes, social groups, board game clubs, movie nights, family evenings, quizzes, and midwinter meals. We partner with local businesses and schools in the area so everyone can partake in this place as a community hub. We work closely with rest homes, St George’s, elder care, social care, working in partnership for every person in the community in helping meet their needs.
We are a part of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa. Therefore we uphold the formularies, statutes, and canons authorised by General Synod Te Hīnota Whānui. We uphold the Constitution Te Pouhere and the 39 Articles. We believe in the three Tikanga Church, the importance of the Anglican New Zealand Prayer Book, and firmly believe in bicultural partnerships. We accept the Principles of Mission laid out for us by General Synod Te Hīnota Whānui and seek to enact this mission in the world around us.
We believe in the sacraments; the outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace.
We believe in Baptism being how we are made members of Christ’s family and body. We
recognise Eucharist as a sacrament of thanksgiving, and also the meal at which the family of Christ is gathered in his presence. We uphold Article XXV, and believe that Confirmation,
Penance (Confession and Absolution), Holy Orders, Matrimony, and extreme Unction (Last
Rites) play an important role in spiritual life.

Principles of Mission
That this General Synod / te Hinota Whanui endorses the principles as to the mission of the Church set out by the ACC 6, ACC 8, and ACC 15 resolution(s) namely:
(i) To proclaim the good news of the Kingdom;
(ii) To teach, baptise and nurture new believers;
(iii) To respond to human needs by loving service;
(iv) To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation;
(v) To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth
Service Times
There's something for everyone: please join us.
This is our unashamedly traditional service which uses the Anglican New Zealand Prayer Book with hymns. It includes activity packs for children. After our service you are welcome to join us for morning tea.
Begins June 9. This is our relaxed family-friendly service for whānau of all shapes and sizes. Whatever your family looks like you are welcome here. We are currently in an exploration phase as we trial different things to get a feel for what best suits this space.
A gathering that starts with a light brunch-style meal and includes faith discussion. All are welcome to be part of this collaborative style of worship.
1st Sunday of month Feb to Nov
Taizé service. We ask that you arrive and leave in silence. A contemplative service in the circular chapel.
An intimate service with strong fellowship, this service uses the Anglican New Zealand Prayer Book and traditional hymns with organ accompaniment. We have morning tea together afterwards every week.